What challenges are leaders and organizations facing in the digital transformation‪?‬


What challenges are leaders and organizations facing in the digital transformation‪?‬

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Podcast with brain in spa founder Michaela Lindinger

The success of any organization heavily relies on its employees. They are the ones who keep the organization moving forward, and their performance ultimately determines the success or failure of the organization. 

Therefore, it’s essential for organizations to focus on creating a positive employee experience. Employee experience refers to the sum of all experiences an employee has with an organization, from recruitment and onboarding to day-to-day work, through to exit interviews and beyond. 

The importance of employee experience cannot be overstated. A positive employee experience can result in greater employee satisfaction, higher levels of productivity, increased employee engagement, and ultimately, better financial performance for the organization. 

Companies that prioritize employee experience see better retention rates, improved employee morale, and more positive company culture. However, creating a positive employee experience is easier said than done. Many organizations focus primarily on user experience and customer experience, neglecting the importance of employee experience. But this can be a costly mistake.

Neglecting employee experience can lead to disengagement, low morale, high turnover rates, and ultimately, a negative impact on the organization’s bottom line. To create a positive employee experience, organizations must start with a clear purpose and values. A clear purpose and values provide a foundation for the organization’s culture and guide employees in their day-to-day work.

When employees start to understand and align with an organization’s purpose, vision, and values, they are more likely to feel motivated, engaged, and invested in the organization’s success. Once a clear purpose and values are established, organizations can start building an employee experience program. 

The program should be designed to create a positive work environment, provide opportunities for growth and development, and prioritize employee well-being. This can include initiatives such as flexible work arrangements, training and development programs, mentorship programs, employee recognition and rewards, and wellness programs.

Transform Your Workforce for Successful Digital Transformation


Transform Your Workforce for Successful Digital Transformation


Transform Your Workforce for Successful Digital Transformation

Listen to the famous Jason Stoughton from Silicon Valley and how he speaks on his podcast with Michaela Lindinger about the future of work and successful digital tranformation. “….But what I always try to communicate more and more clearly to my people to my clients is as you just said: the digital future will be about people, better to say about talents whose performance will really make the difference. 


The basis for the digital era

One of my favorite personal sayings is: Digital business is more about people than any other business ever before…..The digital era is entirely based on working with the latest tech and grooming yourself to get acquainted with how the digital world works.

What we need to understand is that on the one hand, we’re having super sophisticated technologies that probably not even one or two percent of the world population can truly understand, for example, what’s behind AI…….Some people are still questioning if AI is truly capable of creating a unique and smart world, where everything can be generated by putting in a small, concise prompt. It can be either a picture or just a basic statement that gets generated automatically, in the blink of an aye. 

Why talent is core for success

So when I talk to many of my C-level clients they tell me a lot about the latest automation project they are doing, how they are looking at artificial intelligence and some of them have even started to launch a pilot on big data analytics…..

Unfortunately, not many of them are aware that they need to prepare their talents and practice the necessary methods which eventually will move the needle. …..to master digital transformation, there are just three simple things that you should really focus on in order to be on a good track and the first one for me is vision and clarity….”

Doug Holt

The Successful Coach

Doug Holt

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Doug Holt

Listen to the famous Doug Holt about how he found out where Michaela discovered her passion for healthy high performance and her favor for independence and entrepreneurship.

In this podcast, Michaela and Doug talk about the unconventional approach to leadership development, executive sparring, and coaching. She talks about the importance of clearing one’s vision in life; be it as a leader or as an executive, and answering all the “WHY’s” by identifying the purposes of striving for excellence in both personal and professional life.

Michaela developed her scientific background while she was pursuing her Master’s Degree In Coaching Psychology in London.

According to her, good leadership skill not only influences a person but an entire team, by bringing out their ultimate potential. This minimizes the risks of avoiding delays or deadlines. A leader provides adequate guidance and motivates teammates toward achieving a common goal.

Michaela shares her personal stories as well as some very interesting client feedback and success stories about making successful change and transformation program work: What is needed from the leadership level? What skills are most important to have? Why is there an extensive gap in how different organizations approach it when it comes to making a change? And the skills that Michaela learned by participating in numerous projects where startups and corporates collaborated almost like in an incubator-type setting to learn what works best and what doesn’t.

According to Michaela, there is real beauty in getting senior leaders and executives to say the famous but transformative sentence of “I don’t know” before embarking on any innovation or transformation journey with their organization.

Michaela explains how “braininspa” and their unique formats and approach helped leaders to think about things thoroughly and ultimately find the best option for a healthy organization that enhances the performance of the teammates.